Uninstall Procedures
For various reasons WIR does NOT have a fully automated uninstall feature. The process to uninstall WIR is outlined in this section, but if you have any questions, or need clarification about the process, please contact our support team, Support@Enhansoft.com.
Configuration Manager Site Server
Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Enhansoft\Warranty_Information_Reporting_v3.5\Setup.
Run Enhansoft_Uninstall.exe with elevated permissions.
Select all options and click Uninstall.
All stored procedures, reports, the hardware inventory class, package and programs will be removed.
Remove the Windows Program
- Open Add Remove Programs (Windows 2003) or Programs and Features (Windows 2008 and later).
Find Warranty Information Reporting v3.5 and click Uninstall.
2. Select Yes to the UAC message when prompted.
System Center Configuration Manager 2007
In addition to the above steps, for Configuration Manager 2007:
Find and remove the following in the sms_def.mof.
// Enhansoft – Warranty Information
#pragma namespace (“\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\sms”)
#pragma deleteclass(“ES_Warranty3”,NOFAIL)
[SMS_Report(TRUE), SMS_Group_Name(“Warranty3 Summary”),
class ES_Warranty3: SMS_Class_Template
[SMS_Report(TRUE),key] string ES_Warranty3_Key;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Line;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Manufacture;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Model;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Serial_Number;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Description;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] datetime CheckedDate;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] boolean VPC;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string HWServiceType;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string HWStatus;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string HWServiceLevel;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string HWDeliverables;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] datetime HWStartDateTime;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] datetime HWEndDateTime;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string SWServiceType;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string SWStatus;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string SWServiceLevel;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string SWDeliverables;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] datetime SWStartDateTime;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] datetime SWEndDateTime;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Version;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Lic_to;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] uint32 DataSourceCheck;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] uint32 ErrorCode;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Heading1;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Heading2;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Heading3;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Heading4;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Heading5;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Heading6;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Heading7;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Heading8;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Heading9;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Heading10;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Field1;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Field2;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Field3;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Field4;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Field5;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Field6;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Field7;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Field8;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Field9;
[SMS_Report(TRUE)] string Field10;
Configuration Manager Clients
The WMI class can be removed on Configuration Manager’s client workstations either by running Warranty3.exe /DeleteWIRClass or by manually deleting the WMI class ES_Warranty3 found under the cimv2 name space.